Lord Jesus, You are the light of the world; we praise You, and ask You to guide our steps each day.

Help us to love You, and serve You faithfully, and to carry our daily cross with You.

As I light this candle, let it always remind me that You are our Light in darkness, and our Protector in danger our saving Lord at all times.

Our Lady of Candles, give me a mother’s protectionfor I need your watchful care.

Comfort me in my discouragements, solace me in my fatigues, raise me after my falls, reward me for my successes.

Our Lady of Candles, bearer of Jesus, the Light of the world, please obtain for me this favor… (silently mention your petition here).

I shall always rely on your help, to be what Jesus wants me to be.

I am His; I am yours, my good Mother. AMEN.

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