15-Kilo Rice, Milk and Noche Buena Distribution to more than 400 families in Brgy. Culajao

4 ka tulog na lang paskwa na!
Malipayon gid ang ta… Read the rest
15-Kilo Rice, Milk and Noche Buena Distribution to more than 1400 families in Brgy. Milibili

Merry ang Christmas sang masobra 1400 ka mas nag… Read the rest
Distribution of Incentives to Roxas City Barangay Health Workers, Tanod, BSPOs, Barangay Nutrition Scholars and Solo Parents

Pagkilala sa mga Barangay Health Workers, Tano… Read the rest
Roxas City Frontliners receive Financial Aid from the Provincial Government

… Read the restAng aton mga Frontliners kag mga nagakinahangl
15-Kilo Rice and Noche Buena Distribution to more than 800 families in Brgy. Sibaguan

… Read the restMay libre na nga bugas hingagaw sa kapaskwahan s
Releasing of City Bonus and Division Meet Subsidy

Personal naton nga gintugyan subong nga aga sa m… Read the rest