15-Kilo Rice Distribution to more than 700 families in Brgy. San Jose

Indi maasi-asi ang bugas sa San Jose
15 -kilos ng… Read the rest
15-Kilo Rice Distribution to 600 families in Brgy. Cabugao

Pag ulingag sa Cabugao wala nagatahaw
Bugas par… Read the rest
15-Kilo Rice Distribution to more than 1,200 families in Brgy. Cagay

Happy naman ang Cagay!
Nagaawas naman ang kalip… Read the rest
15-Kilo Rice Distribution to more than 2000 families in Brgy. Culasi

Nagakirikisi sa kasadya ang Culasi!
Basta may b… Read the rest
15-Kilo Rice Distribution to more than 500 families in Brgy. Lonoy

Busog sa kalipay ang Lonoy
Basta may libre nga bu… Read the rest
Nanay Lucia of Balijuagan now a Certified Centenarian

Si Nanay Lucia sang Balijuagan, 100 years old na… Read the rest