15-Kilo Rice Distribution to nearly 900 families in Brgy. Barra

Bugana ang grasya sa Barra
Ang pag-ulingag sa ta… Read the rest
15-Kilo Rice Distribution to more than 500 families in Brgy. Tanza

Ganado naman ang Tanza
“Ganado naman ang … Read the rest
15-Kilo Rice Distribution to more than 170 families in Brgy. XI

May tilig-angon na nga libre ang taga Onse!
Project PAGTATAP to 14 Senior High School of Olotayan Integrated School

Ginbaton subong sang 14 ka nga Senior High Schoo… Read the rest
543 families on Cloud 9 after receiving 15-Kilo Rice from the Roxas City Government

“Basta gaabot ang bugas, daw abot namon a… Read the rest
15-Kilo Rice Distribution to more than 500 families in Brgy. Talon

Puno naman ang talagbasan
Nagaawas ang kalipay … Read the rest