Rice Fertilizer Voucher for 225 Farmers in Brgy. Bolo and Milibili

Salamat sa Department of Agriculture sa paghat… Read the rest
15-Kilo Rice Distribution to more than 260 families in Brgy. X

Sadya sa Barangay 10 kay ang masobra 260 ka pamil… Read the rest
15-Kilo Rice Distribution to 1500 families in Brgy. Milibili

TGIF na, may bugas pa sa Milibili!
Masadya gid an… Read the rest
Financial Assistance to families affected by Demolitions at Ellieta Street

Bwas magasaylo na sa ila bag-o nga puluy-an sa Ju… Read the rest
15-Kilo Rice Distribution to more than 141 families in Brgy. VI

Paspas ang bugas sa Sais.
Madasig ang tupa sang b… Read the rest
Roxas City Government extends Assistance to 10 Families Displaced after Demolition Activities

Ginakasubo naton ang natabo sa 10 ka pamilya sa E… Read the rest