15-Kilo Rice Distribution to more than 500 families in Brgy. Balijuagan

Nanindugan ang Balijuagan
Sa pihak sang mga bin… Read the rest
15-Kilo Rice Distribution to more than 1300 families in Brgy. Punta Tabuc

Mahagpok ang kadlaw sang Punta Tabuc!
Nagatap-… Read the rest
DSWD Family Food Packs for El Niño Victims

Bangud sa El Niño madamo sang ulumhan kag pananu… Read the rest
15-Kilo Rice Distribution to more than 600 families in Brgy. Adlawan

Hugyaw sang Kaadlawan nagalalapaw.
Wow! Singg… Read the rest
15-Kilo Rice Distribution to more than 700 families in Brgy. Inzo

Bastante ka sa Inzo!
Sa Inzo kabuhi indi mabudla… Read the rest
15-Kilo Rice Distribution to more than 500 families at Brgy. Bato

Basta may libre nga bugas, daku gid ang minus sa g… Read the rest