Typhoon Paeng: Roxas City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Emergency Operation Center ACTIVATED IN BLUE ALERT STATUS

BLUE ALERT STATUS na ang Roxas City Emergency Op… Read the rest
African Swine Fever Virus Alert

May yara na sang narekord sang African Swine Fev… Read the rest

Good news!
Ang PESO Roxas City, kaupod ang TESDA … Read the rest
Public Hearing for the Proposed Roxas City CLUP 2021-2030 scheduled tomorrow, October 3, 2022 at DRCC

Public Hearing for the Proposed Roxas City CLUP … Read the rest
Roxas City Health Office TB DOTS-PMDT Satellite Treatment Center – GOLD AWARDEE for DRTB Treatment Success Rate for Quarter 1 and 2 (NATIONAL LEVEL)

Ang aton Roxas City Health Office TB DOTS –… Read the rest
Warning on Shellfish Consumption

Ang aton halangdon nga Gobernador, Governor Fr… Read the rest