15-Kilo Rice Distribution to more than 1,300 families in Brgy. Dayao

Mapa WOW naman ang Dayao!
Kadlaw sang kalipay sa… Read the rest
15-Kilo Rice Distribution to more than 300 Families in Punta Cogon

Grasya sa Cogon
“Aga pa may grasya na! Nas… Read the rest
Roxas City’s ‘Living’ Christmas Tree

Pinasahi ang Christmas Tree sang Roxas City sub… Read the rest
Duag Sinadya Cultural Show, Lighting Ceremonies and Presentation of Musa dela Immaculada

Maduagon nga Sinadya Cultural Show kag Lightin… Read the rest
Concreting of Roxas City PNP Grounds

Isa sa mga ginatrabaho subong sang aton City Eng… Read the rest
15-Kilo Rice Distribution – Brgy. Talon

Subong nga hapon, ang distribusyon sang Bugas n… Read the rest