15-Kilo Rice Distribution to more than 2,300 families in Brgy. Baybay

Nagatumbo sa kalipay ang taga-Baybay.
Kabalo k… Read the rest
Concreting of Roxas City PNP Grounds

Isa sa mga ginatrabaho subong sang aton City Eng… Read the rest
15-Kilo Rice Distribution – Brgy. Talon

Subong nga hapon, ang distribusyon sang Bugas n… Read the rest
15-Kilo Rice Distribution – Brgy. Culajao

Padayon ang distribusyon sa… Read the rest
ODETTEPH Update as of 4:00 am – December 17, 2021

As of 4:00 am, base sa available data ang bagyo ng… Read the rest
Urban Poor Solidarity Week 2021 Celebration

Sa selebrasyon sang Urban Poor Solidarity week … Read the rest